Survey Solutions
The Survey Division is specialised in Survey Instrumentation and Data Acquisition and Processing Solutions used for Environmental Surveys, Oceanography, Hydrology, Hydrographic Surveys, Marine Seismic Surveys, Meteorological Work and Coastal Monitoring Studies.

With ever increasing ocean going liners and vessels, charting water’s topographic and morphological features to consistently higher degree of accuracy is becoming the norm. Do more with less is the mantra, as higher resolution; higher swath coverage Multibeam echo-sounder, precision position receivers, tide measurement sensors make their presence felt.

Atmospheric observations have assumed newer and higher importance as we try to understand and establish the intricate relation between the various parameters, how they change with time and the implications each has on our ecosystem.

Navigation & Positioning
Being able to establish position with ever increasing degree of accuracy is becoming a customary practice both on land and on water.

Water Quality parameters like Dissolved Oxygen, pH, conductivity and many others help us understand marine life and the biochemical dynamics. Suspended particle size measurements, concentration, particle size distribution etc.

Instrumentation for acquisition, interpretation of the knowledge of subsurface materials on both land as well as in the marine environment. SALT offers a range of geotechnical equipment.

Understanding the movement, distribution of rivers, groundwater, reservoirs etc. Is critical as water becomes an acutely scarce resource and commodity. Fast urbanization has led to bigger problems with management of river, estuarine water bodies and drainage basins

Oceans present an ever changing dynamic and a challenging frontier. To understand the physical, chemical, geological processes in the oceans we provide a host of stand-alone or integrated solutions from various leading underwater manufacturers. Study the ocean currents, waves, temperature, salinity and other parameters with the wide array of instrumentation that can be

Land Survey
Provide tools to the Surveyor to be able to create topographic maps, point cloud data of as built and environment, detect objects in the subsurface, ground water, magnetic characterization of large areas.

Geophysical / Seismic
Subsurface mapping using different technique with or without excavation is a key ingredient for marine or underwater archaeology, construction companies, oil and gas drilling companies. Magnetometers and a range of high power acoustic systems are used for such studies underwater