Seafloor Mapping: Easier, Faster, Smarter


Real-time Data Acquisition and Post-processing for Magnetometer Data

  • Provides full range of navigation filtering and smoothing of magnetometry signals
  • Automatically or manually mark magnetic anomalies
  • Visualize your data in two or three-dimensions


SonarWiz Magnetometry provides the full range of navigation, filtering, smoothing, and repair that SonarWiz offers for sidescan and subbottom post-processing. Anomaly positions can also be recentered on sidescan targets using the interactive map correction features in SonarWiz. Magnetometry (Mag) real time acquisition (RT) included with all SSS/SBP RT licenses. Mag sold as add-on module or in the full Office Post-Processing Suite.


SonarWiz can detect magnetic anomalies automatically or they can be placed manually in the profile view. Once identified, anomalies can be shown on the plan view map or nearby sidescan waterfalls to help aid in target identification. SonarWiz can also be configured to automatically assign attribute information to anomalies based on the location of known pipeline or other structures.


SonarWiz offers several useful magnetometer visualization and export options. In addition to individual anomaly markers, the entire magnetic trace can be displayed on the map as a color-coded stick plot. It is also easy to interpolate the magnetic data into a 3D surface for display with other SonarWiz sidescan and sub-bottom data.

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