Box corers are the go to tool for effective sampling in deep and soft sediments. Box Corers are broadly used for biological, chemical, and geochemical investigation offering a near undisturbed sample.


Feritech holds a large stock of GOMEX and GreyO’Hara types in 0.1m2, 0.25m2 and 0.5m2 variants for sale and also rental with the option of an operator. We can also build other sizes to order.


The stainless steel box has variable ballast and penetration limits to ensure no over penetration


The GOMEX box corers have been designed to facilitate the use of our deck T bar testing systems.


Our mechanism controlling the stainless-steel sampling doors are open during deployment therefore minimising the bow wave effect and yield the least disturbed sample of instruments in this class, even in extremely fine sediments.


The Box Corer is easily deployed from the supplied deck stand and the mechanical deployment system automatically triggers when the instrument touches down on the seabed. These systems can be deployed using an A frame or when this is not available Feritech offer a LARS system. We also have an array of high speed deep water winches available to assist with deployment.

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