Magnetometer Survey Planning, Data Acquisition & Visualization Software
Intuitive Assisted Setup Connect your computer, mag and GNSS through COM or USB Port guided by BOB’s simple Setup Assistant.
Mag Monitoring and Control BOB monitors your connection and mag status, alerting you to signal strength, sample rate, sync, depth,
altitude (above the seabed). Detailed diagnostic panels and terminal access facilitate troubleshooting & issue resolution.
(Fully) Review Plot in Time and Space Magnetic field data rescales base don your level of magnification.
The interactive Survey Overview gives you instant access to any part of your survey.
Live Layback Correction BOB calculates mag Layback in real- time to pin-point the mag’s position even when making turns.
Data Portability
BOB’s (robust, stable, secure & flexible) MS SQL database technology lets you:
- Store and move between multiple surveys naturally.
- Say goodbye to loose files. BOB automatically packs survey settings, setup parameters, and collected data.
- Annotate, export, archive and restore files.
And you can copy incoming mag and position data to an additional data-logging computer through a COM port.