
Diver Handheld Magnetometer


Your mag survey found your anomalies. You’re close. In the old days, you’d rely on luck to find your target buried somewhere below a flat, indistinguishable patch of sea floor. Or not.


Extra Sensor Perception
Expensive multi-day searches that send surveyors home empty-handed are the norm because even a narrowed down target area can be a lot of ground to cover. Especially when some of that area is underground.


Now you can augment your efforts with the world’s first handheld total-gradiometer.


Argos is the kind of innovation that makes you wonder how you ever got by without it.


Argos measures the Analytic Signal in real-time, guiding you to the best place to dig for your target via LEDs and earpiece.



  • UXO
  • Underwater Archeology

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