The AML-3 series is a highly configurable family of multiparameter sondes designed for a wide range of data collection applications. The ‘3’ designation refers to the number of sensors that may be simultaneously installed on the instrument’s endcap.


Common configurations include:

  • Sound Velocity & Pressure (SVP)
  • Sound Velocity, Turbidity & Pressure (SVP Tu)
  • Velocity, Conductivity & Temperature & Depth (SVCTD)
  • Conductivity Temperature & Depth (CTD)


The LGR versions (ie. AML-3 LGR) are self-powered via a rechargeable internal battery and have a mechanical on/ off switch on the bulkhead. The AML-3 LGR is most commonly used for vertical profiling of the water column with internal logging of sensor measurements and seamless data transfer via WiFi or USB on recovery.

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