The AML-1 series of instruments is a highly configurable sonde designed for a wide range of data collection applications. The ‘1’ designation indicates that one X2change sensor may be installed on the instrument at any time.


Common configurations include:

  • Sound Velocity (SV)
  • Sound Velocity & Temperature (SVT)
  • Turbidity (Tu)
  • Pressure / Depth (P)
  • Conductivity & Temperature (CT)


The AML-1 RT will continuously stream data in real-time while in-situ. These instruments rely on external power for operation, facilitated via a waterproof connector. The AML-1 RT is commonly used to measure sound velocity next to a Multibeam or Sonar Transducer array, or for use on a broad range of moored applications, buoys, underwater observatories, and underwater vehicles. The AML-1 is compatible with any of the X2change series of sensors.

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