The Feritech FT520 Piston Corer is a standard and popular tool within the marine industry, combining operational safety with survey efficiency and reliability. The improved recovery and less disturbed sediment samples yields a higher quality result compared to that of a standard Gravity Corer.
The system is supplied with configurable weights allowing for 49-816kg of additional weight (available in steel and lead), controlling penetration for a range of projects – coastal environments to deep water locations, and everything in between.
The Piston Corer creates a vacuum when collecting a sample, therefore maximising the quality of sample recovery. Feritech also offers a range of LARS equipment, suitable for a wide range of projects to help improve the efficiency of the deployment and recovery process with our Piston Corer.
Product Highlights
• Hydrostatic safety release system
• Full ocean depth rating
• 1-12m barrels in 1m increments
• Type A barrel – OD 101.6mm, sample – 84mm
• Type B barrel – OD 127mm, sample – 106mm
• Configurable weights from 49-816kg available in steel or lead
• Manual or automatic release trigger
• Integration with Feritech HUB software
• Consumables in stock
• Various LARS options available