The WR-25XP capacity to operate in simultaneous dual-polarization and the doppler capabilities make WR-25XP an ideal instrument for the most advanced radar hydro-meteorological applications and for medium scale civil protection uses, as well as for monitoring rainfall fields.
The WR‐25XP radar is the flagship product of ELDES’ X‐band mini radar family characterized by a price/performance ratio that is unique on the market. The capacity to operate in simultaneous dual polarization and the doppler capabilities make WR‐25XP an ideal instrument for the most advanced radar hydro‐meteorological applications and for medium scale civil protection uses, as well as for monitoring rainfall fields and the convective phenomena associated with those severe atmospheric events that are particularly dangerous for air navigation.
The use of dual polarization technology makes it possible to partially compensate the path attenuation that typically penalizes X‐band radars and whose effect can be further mitigated by the use of a network of interconnected mini radars with partially overlapped coverage sectors.
Furthermore, by means of the differential parameters measured thanks to the dual polarization, a realiable classification of the hydrometeors is possible using sophisticated analysis software and quickly recognizing with a very high probability whether it is rain, hail or snow.