Seismic Sound Source
The Dura-Spark has been designed to provide a stable, repeatable sound source for sub-bottom geophysical surveys. The long life, durable electrodes produce a consistent pulse signature and keep operational maintenance to a minimum. This provides increased survey efficiency and equipment reliability as the sparker tips rarely need replacement.
The Dura-Spark is based on the CAT300 catamaran, providing a stable platform whilst under tow. The catamaran has robust solid floatation and is easily deployed from all survey vessels.
The Dura-Spark consists of 3 or 5 arrays of 80 tips allowing the operator to tune the source from the vessel to their application. This flexibility together with selectable source depth allows the source to be used in both shallow and deep waters.
The typical operational bandwidth of the Dura-Spark is 300Hz to 1.2kHz. When coupled with the CSP-N Seismic Power Supply the system offers 2000J/s peak discharge rate, as well as industry leading design and safety standards.